Are you in a toxic relationship? One survey found that 89 percent of respondents felt that most people are in toxic relationships. The survey was conducted with 100 YourTango experts asking the most common signs that a relationship is toxic.
What does toxic mean in a relationship
Here's a list of the top 9 signs of a partner in a toxic relationship version of Relationship Experts Mika Maddela, Dr. Marian Stansbury, Keri Nola, as quoted by YourTango:
1. Hostility
Are you often hostile? Does he often get angry? According to Counselor Dr. Marian Stansbury, If you feel like your life is full of tension, feeling stressed and unable to express yourself the way you want, your relationship is not healthy for you. You want to feel comfortable and safe to express yourself.
2. Criticism and humiliation
Does your partner criticize or belittle you? Do you feel like you can't please your partner or do something right? Does he make fun of or criticize you in public, in front of friends, and family? Is he acting superior and mocking you? These are warning signs that you are in an unhappy relationship.-Dr. Marian Stansbury
3. Dodge
Is he avoiding you? He may be giving you multiple messages that confuse you (e.g. saying 'Of course I love you but his behavior is not showing affection). When he doesn't want physical affection, you end up feeling rejected. Meanwhile, he complains that you are too demanding. -Dr. Marian Stansbury
4. Rigid
Is your partner open? When you express your feelings and say what you want, does he listen and make an effort to meet your needs? If he refuses to acknowledge that feelings and needs are important and refuses to leave counseling, you may end up in a toxic relationship.
Then you need to ask yourself, "What must I do for myself to be happy and content with my life?" -Dr. Marian Stansbury
5. Screaming
This is known as a "dirty battle" with screaming as a sure sign of a toxic relationship. Trying to hurt someone with words is not a way to resolve conflict or communicate hurt feelings. Problems usually escalate quickly when someone rebukes and that makes it very difficult to create intimacy in a relationship. Keri-Nola
6. You are not yourself
Do you change what you like, dislike, or opinion when you are with your partner? Feeling like you can't be yourself and adjust to please for fear of retaliation can be a sign of a toxic relationship.
It's very important to be able to express yourself honestly in your relationship for true love to grow. Keri-Nola
7. He's more like an overly involved parent.
Counselor Mika Maddela says this isn't about pushing you for your violin recital, it's about the kind that can decide your career.
What do you go to school with and who do you hang out with? When your man acts like an overly involved parent, he chooses which friends you can and cannot afford and what kind of clothes you should wear.
You have learned from past experience that your thoughts and opinions do not depend on them - Mika Maddela.
8. He's the king of making people feel guilty.
He has a certain talent for making you feel guilty and indebted to him. You feel obligated to give in to what he wants. When every move comes with a price tag, it may be time to cut the cord. -Mika Maddela
9. She's a secret lover
But not in a good way. Family and friends don't like the way he treats you. Since people close to you are more likely to advise against having anything to do with them, you fear that what friends and family say maybe the truth. So, you tend to avoid talking about him, bringing him up, or involving him in any way with friends and family.
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