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What To Do During An Acid Reflux Attack

 Your stomach acid often recurs? Here's how to relieve stomach acid that you should know.

Gastric acid is a common disease suffered by the community. Generally, people will feel uncomfortable when stomach acid rises.

Launching Medical News Today, a fairly common symptom of acid reflux is the appearance of discomfort to the point of burning in the chest (heartburn).

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, this discomfort can radiate to the chest or behind the breastbone.

Symptoms of acid reflux can also cause discomfort in the throat.

Some people with stomach acid disorders feel their mouth tastes bitter and sour when the disease recurs. Symptoms of acid reflux can last for several hours.

This discomfort often worsens after eating or on an empty stomach.

Acid reflux disease that only recurs occasionally is generally nothing to worry about.

If stomach acid recurs more than twice a week, the trigger could be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Whatever the cause, acid reflux disease can cause discomfort for the sufferer.

Here are some first aids when stomach acid rises to help relieve the disease:

1. Loosen clothes

Launching Healthline, pressure on the stomach can trigger stomach acid to rise. For this reason, first aid when stomach acid rises needs to relieve all pressure on the stomach.

When the disease recurs, immediately loosen belts, pants hooks, clothes, or anything that makes the sufferer feel more breathless.

2. Standing tall

Certain body positions can sometimes trigger stomach acid to rise. An inappropriate or uncomfortable position can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter.

This part of the body is a ring-shaped muscle that controls stomach acid from rising up into the esophagus.

First aid when stomach acid rises also needs to involve changing the body to a more upright position to reduce pressure on the esophageal sphincter.

If when the stomach acid flares up the patient are lying down, try a sitting or standing position. If the patient's position when stomach acid recurs is already standing, try to straighten your posture to stand more upright.

Read also: Best Sleeping Position For Gastric Reflux

3. Chewing gum

Research in 2014 proved that chewing gum can help overcome acid reflux. Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production and swallow.

This natural method can relieve symptoms of acid reflux by diluting and clearing stomach acid from the esophagus.

4. Take stomach acid medicine

First aid when stomach acid rises also needs to provide the right medicine for the patient. There are several types of stomach acid drugs available in couples, namely:

  • H2 blocker antacids
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

Drugs such as PPIs and H2 blockers can reduce the production of acid secreted by the stomach, thereby helping to cope with acid reflux.

While antacids are used to neutralize stomach acid.

Before taking stomach acid medication, be sure to consult a doctor. Some drugs can interact with other drugs.

Acid reflux disease generally can heal within a few hours after the patient is given some of the first aid above.

You need to be alert if the symptoms of chest discomfort are accompanied by cold sweat and shortness of breath.

This condition can be a sign of heart disease.


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